
to commonly asked questions.

Items on my desktop are greyed out.

I know this should be obvious to me There are three videos on my desktop I’d like upload to Vimeo. They are “greyed out” when I try to designate the file in the app. See T. Laird on desktop and screenshot from Vimeo.

This is likely being caused by the fact that you may have desktop syncing turned on via iCloud. Check here:

Then check here to see if desktop and documents syncing is turned on:

If it is checked then you could either try turning off iCloud Drive desktop/documents syncing then upload your resource or you could also try moving the item to a non syncing folder like the movies folder in your user folder. Those would then be force to download in their entirety and you should be able to upload them to Vimeo from there.
This image is a theme.plist hack