
to commonly asked questions.

Scams Galore!

There's a very big trend on the rise. More and more, clients are being tricked into giving up their own information. They think they're logging into a site they trust when they're actually handing over their private info. Here's a recent example of the bad guys strategy.

You might receive an email that looks like it's from Apple pretending to want you to check your account.

Screen Shot 2018-11-29 at 6.16.06 AM

At first glance it looks like you're being charge for an App. That's designed to get you to let your guard down and click the link. It looks like they're trying to "help" you. No!

If you click the right side of the email address in the From field, it will reveal who the email is REALLY from:

Screen Shot 2018-11-29 at 7.10.26 AM

So you fall for it and click the link. It takes you to a site that looks like this:

Screen Shot 2018-11-29 at 6.15.28 AM

This looks exactly like the real front door to However if you look closer at the url bar at the top you can see it's not Apple. Someone has set up a page to look just like an Apple page with the hope that you'll enter your AppleID and password. They then have access to your account.

The bottom line here is while clicking a link in an email by itself is not going to hurt you, it's what you do once that next site opens. Just don't click links from emails that you weren't expecting. If you are concerned about an email, just type the website in to a browser yourself. Don't trust that a link is taking you to the correct place.
This image is a theme.plist hack