
to commonly asked questions.

Alphabetize folders in mail

  1. I'm a folder guy, especially with my email.  However, when I add folders, sometimes they don't add in alphabetical order and it drives me crazy because I have to move them manually.  Sometimes it does it automatically and sometimes it doesn't.  It drives me crazy for sure.  This is Screenshot #2.  Do you know how I can mandate that all folders are saved alphabetically, no matter what computer it was added from?  (usually when I add a folder at home, it doesn't add alphabetically once I open up mail at my office).

For forcing the alphabetization of folders, try this:

Go to Preferences -> Accounts. Select the IMAP-based account, then click on the "Advanced" tab and disable the account. Save the settings and close Preferences. Then go back and re-enable the account. Quit and restart. The IMAP folders may now appear in correct alphabetical order.

explanation with picts can be found
This image is a theme.plist hack